Au.D. is a degree designation that stands for Doctor of Audiology.

Doctorate in Audiology (Au.D.) is the most common degree earned in order to practice audiology today. You may also see audiologist who have Master’s degrees (M.A. or M.S. or M.Ed.) or Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.). An Au.D. is a clinical degree that can be used in many ways. Audiologists holding an Au.D. can practice clinical audiology, they can perform research and they can teach.

It is necessary in most of the United States to have an Au.D. in order to obtain a license to practice audiology today. Master’s Degree programs are being phased out however, audiologists practicing with their Master’s Degree or equivalent will continue under the licensure laws that were in place at the time that they were originally licensed. Some audiologists have chosen to complete this level of education by going back to school and earning the Au.D. and others have decided to continue practicing with their Master’s or equivalent degree.

You can learn more about the Au.D. and the profession of audiology by visiting these links:
Academy of Doctors of Audiology (ADA)
American Academy of Audiology (AAA)