If you or someone you know has hearing technology, you understand how life-changing it can be, leading to even stronger connections to loved ones and a renewed vigor for life. But have you ever stopped to wonder just how those...
Can hearing aids be waterproof? Can I wear my aid in the pool?
The topic of moisture and hearing aids goes on. It is a big topic and one that I discuss a lot with patients. Hearing aids are susceptible to all types of moisture and their is no way to avoid it...
Sharpen Your Listening Skills
Auditory training is a term you will probably only hear in an audiology office or perhaps a school. But it is important for people with hearing loss to know that they can train their brain to hear and listen. Our...
Loops & Looping for the Hard of Hearing
What does “loop” mean to you? You are about to learn a new definition for the word “loop” as it applies to the world of hearing loss accommodation. Loop – a wire that acts as a conductor of sound. Used...